Old CIC Events

Defensa de tesis doctoral: Role of C3G in B cell lymphoma and characterization of C3G-blocking nanobodies
Alba Morán Vaquero — Programa de doctorado en biociencias: Biología y clínica del cáncer y medicina traslacional

Regulation of antigen display by Follicular Dendritic Cells in secondary lymphoid organs and beyond
Ana Martínez — CIMA, Pamplona

Predicting response to neoadjuvant treatment in breast cancer using pre-clinical models
Óscar Rueda — MRC Biostatistics Unit (University of Cambridge)

Defensa de tesis doctoral: La ARN metiltransferasa METTL1 regula la migración celular en el cáncer de próstata
Borja Miguel López — Programa de doctorado en biociencias: Biología y clínica del cáncer y medicina traslacional

The role of Polycomb proteins and 3D genome architecture in epigenetic inheritance and cancer
Giacomo Cavalli — Institute of Human Genetics - Université de Montpellier, France

Impact of C3G on hematopoiesis after chemotherapy: effects on hematopoietic precursors and megakaryocyte niche function
Óscar Herranz Varea — Centro de Investigación del Cáncer (CSIC-Universidad de Salamanca)

Next-generation organoid models for colorectal cancer research
L. Francisco Lorenzo-Martín — École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

Tumorigenic potential of the MEK5/ERK5 pathway.
Sofía Matilla Vicente-Almazán — Centro de Investigación del Cáncer (CSIC-Universidad de Salamanca)

Aberrant fibrotic phenotypes of tumor-associated fibroblasts in lung cancer: translational opportunities
Jordi Alcaraz — Universitat de Barcelona

Intercellular communication in the immune response: transfer of genetic information during synapsis
Francisco Sánchez-Madrid — Hospital Universitario de la Princesa. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. CIBERCV.

Decoding the Extracellular matrix at the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment: the forgotten partner
Mª Jose Oliveira — i3S-Institute for Research and Innovation in Health, University of Porto, Portugal

Artificial Intelligence to explore vast chemical spaces for drug leads
Pedro Ballester — Imperial College London