Ph.D. program

The CIC-IBMCC offers a graduate program for young people interested in basic, translational or clinical research on cancer. It is the PhD Program in Basic and Clinical Cancer Research (https://doctorado.usal.es/es/doctorado/biologia-y-clinica-del-cancer). This program trains the predoctoral students to become independent scientists after the completion of their Ph.D. Possible professional avenues after this period of training include postdoctoral positions in academic labs, work in biopharmaceutical industry and start-ups, scientific dissemination activities, and hospital work.

To join our graduate program, you must have previously obtained a master in cancer-related areas such as cancer itself, Biochemistry, Genetics, Cell Biology and others alike. One of these options is the Master in Basic and Clinical Cancer Biology organized by our Center. Information about this Master can be found here (Biología y Clínica del Cáncer y Medicina Traslacional). A good level of English proficiency at both the oral and written level is highly recommended as well. You have also to be competitive in terms of academic marks in order to qualify for funding to support your training period.

To join this program, you must contact the group leaders of our Center for available training positions. This will give you the opportunity to choose a large variety of research topics that could be appealing to you. After being accepted in our program, your stint with us during the 4 year-long Ph.D. training program is usually supported by competitive predoctoral contracts offered by several sources such as the Ministry of Universities, the Ministry of Science and Innovation, the Ministry of Education of the Castilla y León autonomous government, and non-profit organizations (e.g., the Spanish Association against Cancer). Other possibilities include funding from the ad hoc programs offered by the University of Salamanca, our Strategic Plan and, in some cases, our own research groups.