Career Development

Career Development for Scientists: From Introspection to Application (May 22 & 23, 9:30 – 17:30 each day, Dioscórides Building @ Faculty Room)

This training course is part of the activities outlined in the FICUS Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) Action Plan, which will be open for all FICUS, Univ Salamanca, and CSIC trainees working at the CIC.

The goal of this workshop is to give participants a competitive edge in the job market by developing the intellectual framework needed to make informed career choices, and to provide practical help for the application and selection process, both within and outside the academic environment.

Topics for this workshop:

  • Skills, interests and values: why are you doing science and what for?
  • Identifying opportunities: mapping the job market for academics
  • Developing your competence profile: finding out and expressing what you are good at
  • Decision making theory: how to make the right choices for the right reasons
  • Creating a competitive CV: how to get on the shortlist
  • The job interview: a clear framework to finding the right match
  • Taking action: tools and tips to kick off your career.

Training Methods:

This is an interactive workshop with extensive elements of partner work, exercises, group discussion. We use innovative training methods and proven didactic techniques, and place special emphasis on sharing and learning from the participants’ own expertise and experience. To increase impact and applicability, we work with real-life cases from the participants whenever possible. We may ask participants to reserve time for individual preparatory work before the workshop.

Target audience:

Postdocs and senior (4th year or longer) PhD students at the CIC.

Registration Form:


Career Development for Scientists