Core skills for your PhD

Core skills for your PhD: Communication, Time and Project Management (May 20 & 21, 9:30 – 17:30 each day, Dioscórides Building Faculty Room)

This training course is part of the activities outlined in the FICUS Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) Action Plan, which will be open for all FICUS, Univ Salamanca, and CSIC trainees working at the CIC.

In this workshop we provide training on important background skills for scientists, helping them to communicate effectively with peers, to manage their time and workload effectively, and some insightiul tools to stay motivated when things get tough during their research. This training is aimed at researchers who are within the first months of their PhD, and will help them to recognize, understand and effectively deal with many of the problems that cause most delays and frustration during their PhD. This workshop is highly interactive and includes various cohort- building modules to help establish a cohesive group identity among the participants, as a basis for collaboration during their PhD.

Workshop content:

  • Cohort building. A key goal of this workshop is to form group identity and cohesion for productive collaboration during the participants’ PhD and beyond. We will run presentation exercises and group tasks to encourage participants to interact and get to know each other.

  • Core communication skills. We will explore some essential aspects that are common to many science communication channels, including thinking about the audience, defining the core message, and justifying our research. This module will also touch on aspects of interpersonal communication, working with my supervisor, and giving and receiving feedback.

  • Time management. How do you plan your day, so you work effectively? How do you priorities your tasks so you get the important things done first? Participants will learn simple tools that will help them be more efficient.

  • Project and task management. Seting realistic goals requires practice. Participants will be introduced to a framework that simplifies project and task management and will discover digital helpers to manage themselves and collaborate beter.

    Training Methods

    This is an interactive workshop with extensive elements of partner work, exercises, group discussion. We use innovative training methods and proven didactic techniques, and place special emphasis on sharing and learning from the participants’ own expertise and experience. To increase impact and applicability, we work with real-life cases from the participants whenever possible. We may ask participants to reserve time for individual preparatory work before the workshop.

    Target audience:

    1st and 2nd year PhD students at the CIC

    Registration Form:
