
Leadership course: ‘Effective Leadership · Soft Skills’

(July 15, 10:00h –18:00, Centro de Investigación del Cáncer)

IThis training course is part of the activities outlined in the FICUS Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) Action Plan, which will be open for all FICUS, Univ Salamanca, and CSIC trainees working at the CIC.

Workshop presentation

This workshop emphasizes the importance of effectively harnessing the potential of team members to achieve continuous improvement and high performance in organizations. The workshop distinguishes between building a team and working as a team, and highlights that successful teams require discipline and adherence to basic principles embedded in the organization's culture. Emotional intelligence, effective communication, empathy, and trust-building are key to fostering collaborative environments.

The "FOCUS ON: Effective Leadership · Soft Skills" program aims to establish and consolidate a culture of effective collaboration and leadership at the Cancer Research Center (CSIC, USAL and FICUS). This involves addressing diverse challenges, such as cultural and gender diversity, and adapting to the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) environment. The program offers a tailored approach to leadership development, incorporating best practices to enhance effectiveness, professional growth, and leadership skills within the organization.

Workshop Content:

  1. Characteristics of High-Performance Teams. Experiential and Immersive Activity.
  2. Basic principles for creating Teams that make a difference. What sets high-performance teams apart from other teams/work groups? Emotional Intelligence in Research Environments.
  3. Differences between Management and Leadership. How much time do you spend managing daily tasks versus leading talent and diversity?
  4. Effective Leadership Model in practice. The keys to exercising effective leadership that makes an impact and creates collaborative environments.
  5. Internalizing each of the key situations and aspects of Effective Leadership in the research environment.
  6. 3D Leadership Style Assessment. What is my natural tendency when it comes to leading?
  7. Neuroleadership - Impact on Organizational Culture. Advances in neuroscience contribute significantly to the organizational world. Evolution of Leadership.

Target audience:

Junior PIs and senior post-docs

Registration Form:
