Basic Information / Información General (ESP)
General Master´s Program 2021/2022
Type of subject | Credits (ECTS) |
Mandatories(M) | 27 |
Optionals(O) | 21 |
Master´s Thesis (TFM) | 12 |
Places Available: 30 |
Program organization by semester, number of ECTS and type of subject
1st SEMESTER | ECTS | Type | 2nd SEMESTER | ECTS | Type |
Practicum “Biology and Clinic of Cancer” | 9 | M | Practicum “Biology and Clinic of Cancer” | 9 | M |
Introduction to the molecular biology of cancer (*) | 3 | M | Communication strategies for cancer research (*) | 3 | M |
Introduction to the molecular medicine of cancer | 3 | M | Optional 4 | 3 | O |
Optional 1 | 3 | O | Optional 5 | 3 | O |
Optional 2 | 3 | O | Optional 6 | 3 | O |
Optional 3 | 3 | O | Optional 7 | 3 | O |
Master's Thesis | 12 | M |
Optional Subjects to choose
Protein analysis by cytomic approaches: applications on cancer biology and clinics (*) | 3 | Molecular bases of tumor variability: Modifier genes of the susceptibility and evolution of cancer (*) | 3 |
Chromosomic instability, cancer, aging and cohesinopathies (*) | 3 |
Bioinformatics and computational genomics in cancer research (*) |
3 |
Molecular cytogenics in oncology (*) | 3 |
Angiogenesis regulatory mechanisms: role in the development of tumors (*) |
3 |
Mouse models in cancer research | 3 | Cell growth, cell division and cancer | 3 |
Regulation of mitosis, checkpoints and cancer (*) |
3 |
New treatments in hemopathies: from the laboratory to the clinic |
3 |
Biophysical and molecular bases of metastasis and cell migration (*) | 3 | Signaling by growth factor receptors in cancer (*) | 3 |
Clinical pharmacokinetics of anticancer drugs (*) | 3 | Bone marrow-derived stem cells. Biological characteristics and potential role in the development of hematological malignancies | 3 |
Structural, epigenetic and post-transcriptional alterations in cancer (*) | 3 | Anti-tumor immunotherapy: from biology to clinical applications (*) | 3 |
SIntracellular signaling in cancer (*) | 3 | 3 |
(*) Subject taught in English