Old CIC Events

Molecular basis of the response to chemotherapy and radiotherapy in head and neck cancer 05/10/2023

Molecular basis of the response to chemotherapy and radiotherapy in head and neck cancer

Mónica Álvarez Fernández — Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Principado de Asturias (ISPA)/ Instituto Universitario de Oncología del Principado de Asturias (IUOPA)

Altered immune response against SARS-CoV-2 infection in individuals with low-count monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis 28/09/2023

Altered immune response against SARS-CoV-2 infection in individuals with low-count monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis

Guillermo Oliva Ariza — Centro de Investigación del Cáncer (Universidad de Salamanca-CSIC)

PD-L2 upregulation and immune evasion in therapy-induced cellular senescence 21/09/2023

PD-L2 upregulation and immune evasion in therapy-induced cellular senescence

José Alberto López Domínguez — Cellular Plasticity and Disease laboratory, IRB Barcelona

symposium Targeting RAS: new avenues and challenges 13/09/2023

symposium Targeting RAS: new avenues and challenges

https://targetingras.com/ —

Defensa de tesis doctoral: Signaling networks and intrinsic mechanisms that regulate the production of ribosomes in transformed cells 21/07/2023

Defensa de tesis doctoral: Signaling networks and intrinsic mechanisms that regulate the production of ribosomes in transformed cells

Natalia Fernández Parejo — Programa de doctorado en biociencias: Biología y clínica del cáncer y medicina traslacional

Defensa de tesis doctoral: Functional characterization of RHOA mutations in peripheral T-cell lymphomas 14/07/2023

Defensa de tesis doctoral: Functional characterization of RHOA mutations in peripheral T-cell lymphomas

Lucía Fernández Nevado — Programa de doctorado en biociencias: Biología y clínica del cáncer y medicina traslacional

Mechanisms that control the quantity and quality of ribosomes in proliferating cells 06/07/2023

Mechanisms that control the quantity and quality of ribosomes in proliferating cells

Natalia Fernández Parejo — Centro de Investigación del Cáncer, Salamanca

Structure, function and pharmacology of oncogenic protein kinases 29/06/2023

Structure, function and pharmacology of oncogenic protein kinases

Iván Plaza Menacho — CNIO, Madrid

Defensa de tesis: "The role of VRK1 in chromatin remodeling: regulation of histone post-translational modifications and epigenetic enzymes" 23/06/2023

Defensa de tesis: "The role of VRK1 in chromatin remodeling: regulation of histone post-translational modifications and epigenetic enzymes"

Eva Monte Serrano — Programa de doctorado en biociencias: Biología y clínica del cáncer y medicina traslacional

Cohesin loading in a context of chromatin 22/06/2023

Cohesin loading in a context of chromatin

Sofía Muñoz — Centro de Investigación del Cáncer, Salamanca

Inner voices during the development of GABAergic neurons in the mouse brain 15/06/2023

Inner voices during the development of GABAergic neurons in the mouse brain

Rubén Deogracias — INCyL, Salamanca

Functional analysis of a SYCE1 variant causative of Premature Ovarian Failure and the histone H1FOO in fertility 08/06/2023

Functional analysis of a SYCE1 variant causative of Premature Ovarian Failure and the histone H1FOO in fertility

Fernando Sánchez Sáez — Centro de Investigación del Cáncer (CSIC-Universidad de Salamanca), Salamanca